At the first glance a 2 increase in winrate percentage doesnt look like that big of a deal Surprisingly so players in this division enjoy a much lower occurrence of the situation described in Bronze only consecutively losing at the sixteenth game given that the winloss ratio in their other games equals 11 If you look closely thats a much better state of things than in bronze
This Guy has 100 Winrate in over 50 Games How is this possible
Back to Decklist 100 WINRATE MONO RED MY VERSION by RambiniTheMage Arena Standard 3438 40 14 22 0 22 14 22 0 22
I have an 83 win rate on Red side and a 167 win rate on Reddit
Blue side has slight advantage in game due to the way the map and the objectives are positioned To balance things out Red side team has always higher average MMR than Blue side team Essentially meaning that on paper you have better teammates on red sides however the side advantages might result in higher win rate despite having worse teammates
What Is A Good Winrate To Have In League of Legends
Out of 100 wins you can still have an 83 red side win rate if 83 of those games were on red side and only 17 blue games If blue and red side games played are the same then the numbers have meaning Reply reply genericleagueplayer I am definitely being stupid here but is the win rate being 100 not just because thats how
Win Rate when ahead at 15 min 60 CS Per Minute 329 CS Differential at 15 min78 Tower Differential at 15 min013 Avg Tower Difference03 Top Esports bluered side win rate WinsLosses by side Top Esports elemental dragons killed Dragon priority Top Esports players stats Role Player KDA KP VSPM Dmg Gold Champions
Winrate 100% Goaloo Red
Blue Team vs Red Team League of Legends
We track millions of LoL games played every day gathering champion stats matchups builds summoner rankings as well as champion stats popularity winrate teams rankings best items and spells Blue Team vs Red Team League of Legends
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difference in WR between red and blue sides of the map
How is it even possible to hold 100 Winrate especially at BronzeSilver Elo where People AFKQuit on a regular basis Is there more to it Especially because he doesnt seem to climb very fast and his mmr seems to be normal aswell Edit Even for Smurfs i find it pretty impossible to get exactly 100 winrate
Winrate 100% Goaloo Red
My winrate on red side is only 36 How do I improve
The geographics of Blue buff side jungle and Red buff side jungle are different which also plays a role though I am NOT exactly sure how these impact the game Though I think the blue buff side of the map is harder to freeze on than on the red buff side while blue buff side offers better entry to the neutral objectives
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